Your assignment is to compose three essays. Please follow the specifics of each output. Bring your drafts on Wednesday, September 15, 2010 for a one-on-one session with me.
Please follow the specifics of each of the essays.
1. Each essay should have an introduction, a body, and a conclusion.
a. Introduction – 3-5 sentences
b. Body – 6-10 sentences
c. Conclusion- 3-5 sentences
3. Write your own title in each of your essays.
4. Take note of the consistency of your paragraphs; person, number, tense.
5. The drafts should be written in a one whole sheet of paper.
Essay 1- Topic- “Biggest Mistake In My Life” (Use the past form of the verb and Narrative type)
Essay 2- Topic- “What I want to achieve in the future?” (Use the future tense of the verb and Descriptive type )
Essay 3- Topic- "My Opinion on Early Marriage" (Use present form of the verb and Persuasive type)
sir I have posted my "third ESSAY"... hope you have read it already.. {thnx}... sorry 4 late posting